Bible Study Time
8:45 am
*Meets in the fellowship hall of the church basement*
Sunday Worship 10:00 am
How good it is to sing praises to our God,
How pleasant and fitting to praise him!
Psalm 147:1
One of the wells at our oasis is worship. Our worship is God-centered, giving Him the praise and honor that He deserves without seeking anything in return. At the same time we acknowledge that one of the best ways to be inspired and encouraged in spirit is to lift our hearts in song and receive a message of God’s power and faithfulness based on the Bible.
As stated on the Reformed Church website, “worship in the Reformed Tradition follows a biblical pattern of sin, salvation, and service; embraces both form and freedom; is biblical; is missional; nurtures both head and heart.” At Elim Reformed Church we have chosen to follow more traditional style of worship using familiar hymns as our primary musical medium. Our service is designed to bring us to a sense of our need for God followed by an opportunity to hear God’s message to us from His Word and then opportunity is given to respond to that message as a follower of Christ.